Quality Seasonal Vegetables, Pastured Meats & Natural Home Products

​ ​​​We founded Van de Kamp Farms with one goal in mind: providing high-quality produce, farmed regeneratively. This means that by mimicking and encouraging natural ecosystems we can create incredible tasting food that leaves the land and community in a healthier state than they were found.
We grow all our vegetables in compost, which provides the nutrients required for healthy, balanced growth, and encourages biodiversity in the soil. This translates into tender, delicious produce loaded with the nutrients our bodies crave.
Our hens are pastured on fresh, green grass, penned (with plenty of room to run) only to keep them safe from predators. They are moved frequently to ensure that they have their pick of the most tender greens and can hunt for bugs to their hearts content. We provide organic grains twice a day to meet the protein needs required for healthy laying, but do not free feed. This encourages the hens to spend their day in the pasture eating the grass and clover that boost the nutrient content and great flavour of their eggs. This results in a difference you can see, from rich yolks that stand tall and orange in the pan, to benefits you can't, such as high levels of Omega 3, Vitamins A, D, and E, and beta-carotene.
We also believe in the importance of local food. This allows us to have a better connection with and understanding of how our food is produced, to understand and respect the time and energy that goes into food production and encourage us to be great stewards of what is grown. It also lowers energy expenditures on transportation of this produce, provides a fresher, higher quality and more nutritious product, and promotes community resiliency and food security.
Everything we produce is grown with the highest standards for quality in mind. We hold ourselves to "better than organic" standards, meaning we work hard to meet or exceed Canadian organic standards. This being said, we don't agree with paying a regulatory body to grow great food, and therefore increasing the cost to our customers. Rather we encourage you to see for yourself: join us on our open farm days, connect with us online, and experience our produce for yourself. We trust that you will see and taste the difference and see why we place such high value on producing delicious, nutritious, local food. Join us in building connections with our food systems and together we can nourish community.
"The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein."
Ps 24:1